Believe It Or Not, These Aren't Actually Design Flaws

Winter Hats with Pom-Poms

While pom-pom beanies are all the rage fashion-wise, did you know that the pom-pom has an actual purpose? Navy soldiers used to wear these hats, and the pom-pom served as protection for their heads because they would often be too tall for the boat ceilings.

Silica Gel Packets

Silica gel packets are meant to absorb the moisture around them, which is why they typically come in shoe boxes and other packages. They can also rescue your phone if you drop it in the toilet. Instead of letting your phone sit in a jar of rice, try putting it in a bag full of little silica packets.

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The More You Know

  • The stickiness of duct tape makes it perfect for a makeshift pet hair remover and this method is faster than vacuuming. It also works on seats in vehicles. A sponge or cloth wrapped with duct tape works great for getting into corners. Wrap duct tape around a paint roller cover, sticky side out.
  • George Lazenby wasn't an actual actor. He got himself a suit, a Rolex and a new haircut, then met with the producer and made up movies he had been in. He later landed the role of James Bond.
  • The moon has its own time zones.
  • Nearly 15 percent of Los Angeles is used as a parking lot.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.