Actors Who Admitted to Hating Their Own Movies

Katherine Heigl - Knocked Up

Knocked Up was highly regarded as a great movie. Critics loved it, fans loved it. It was Seth Rogan's directorial debut, after all! Katherine Heigl, on the other hand, wasn't a fan. "It paints the women as shrews, as humorless and uptight, and it paints the men as lovable, goofy, fun-loving guys... Why is she being such a killjoy? Why is this how you're portraying women?"

Jessica Alba - Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer

Jessica Alba is a prolific actor, but that doesn't mean she's had it easy onset. In a 2010 interview with Elle, she said that she almost quit acting after this film wrapped. She said that director Tim Story was difficult to work with. He even asked her to "be prettier when you cry." 

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The More You Know

  • Keanu Reeves used his profit from The Matrix to buy a motorcycle for all of the movie's stuntmen.
  • The cigarette smoked by Sigourney Weaver in Avatar is completely CGI.
  • "E.T." and "Poltergeist" started from the same script.
  • Samuel L. Jackson has a clause in his film contracts that allows him to play golf during film shoots whenever he wants.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.